My name is Michael Brock, and I work!
I have been developing for e-commerce websites for decades (hard to believe it’s been a thing for that long). I started with Miva’s e-commerce store Merchant at it’s inception as KoolKat (a very long time ago). I was the head developer at Viking Coders and have written scores (and scores) of Merchant modules. And I still do!
My experience with e-commerce development, and web development generally, is extensive, as you would expect from long experience. From the smallest jobs to full-blown e-commerce sites. I have integrated e-commerce stores with many third-party systems such as Netsuite, Paypal, Google, Facebook, Ebay, SendGrid, WordPress, and AWS. Lately I find myself developing predominately in PHP/javascript/MySQL and Mivascript but I have experience in other languages, including Ruby/Rails and Python. I am always ready to jump into something new, so much so that I don’t charge for time I spend learning a new system.
I generally consult for free so just email me. Need something done, I would be more than happy to discuss it with you!
Contact me at mike@mikeworks.com
Oh, I’m also a registered patent agent with the US Patent and Trademark office and do occasional search & opinion/response work when the opportunity finds its way to me.
I currently reside just outside of Gainesville, FL, USA but location matters little these days with internet everywhere!